
Archive for 2010/01/08

First Post, and Saving backup remotely

2010/01/08 1 comment

Hi everyone,

I used to blog on my home server, and talk mostly about travels, posting pictures and so on… it was fun 😉

But recently I lost my passport, and lots of things went wrong, including a RAID failure on my home server that I visit once every 2 years, so I decided it wouldn’t hurt to blog somewhere else, and talk about all the geek stuff that I am used to do on my free time, such as fixing my RAID, and re-organise my backup strategy for example ;). Hopefully it will help others with similar troubles…

So here you go, I recently found that I can use a combination of cpio and ssh, to export my rsnapshot backup directory ( with hardlinks ) from a BSD machine to a Linux one !

On my NetBSD 4.0 box :
# find /home/.snapshots/ -depth -print | cpio -c -o -H ustar -v | ssh user@remotehostname "cat > snapshots.cpio"

And then on my Ubuntu box 09.10 :
$ mkdir snaps && cd snaps && cpio -imdv -H ustar -I ../snapshots.cpio

Worked like a charm 🙂

Happy me, my old server will be saved, and all backups restored as soon as I can hold a couple of new disks 🙂

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